Alvin Golman, class of 1953, found a welcoming “home away from home” at The Hillel at Texas A&M University during his four years of college. He never forget his appreciation for providing him with an opportunity for his continuing Jewish identity and to make so many lifelong Jewish friends. He remained a big advocate for Hillel for the rest of his life.
Condolences and communications can be sent to Marilyn Golman at agolman220@gmail.com.
Alvin’s Farewell
I know I am growing older
It’s so easy to see.
The feelings different
From what it used to be.
Keeping the old knee straight
Is no easy thing
It requires some effort
For the upward fling.
You wonder when the end comes
In your sleep or at the wheel
Time and friends past slip into your mind
You can remember them so well.
But what did you have for lunch
Just four hours ago?
It takes hard thinking
To really know.
The journey has been good;
A little trying at times
Mostly great blessings
In a life truly fine.
The blessing of parents, loving and kind
Teachers who helped develop the mind.
Brothers watched over me
‘Cause I was the “BABY”!
My loving wife, the consummate lady
She, who I adored for all these years
The one who made my life worth living
Truly loving and giving.
Our children so fast to adults
Seeing them now verifies the results.
All in all, a good time
I miss those now gone, so big in my life.
But, thank God that I had them,
And for my loving wife.
As I said in the beginning
There is no way to know
Is it better to just not wake up
Or to die in the “throes”?
But one never knows, when, where, or how
To the Lord’s good judgement, we all bust bow.
So thank you God for all that’s been done
And bless the name of the true Holy One
Thank you dear Lord
For letting me see
The splendor of life
And the glory of thee.
For life is a journey
We all get to take
Whatever it will be
Is what we make.
Thank you Lord
Alvin David Golman